High Achievers® Blog
Sign Up hereIs joining one of our CATALYST GROUPS™ right for you?
Being a small business owner can be a lonely journey. Is joining one of our Catalyst Mastermind Groups™ right for you? Too often, when entrepreneurs have to make important decisions which will have a significant impact on their business, on their personal lives, and...
What is customer service anyway?
That is generally the case in a culture that has been built around those very basic expectations but if the culture has not been established, now is the time to start. What’s your service DNA?
The Power of Community
Massive pain can be a catalyst for massive growth, however, it is NOT a prerequisite! One of the most powerful ways to change your life is through a community. On April 24 in Vancouver, High Achievers in conjunction with Universal Seminars hosted roughly 250 Canadians...
Exciting New Direction for High Achievers®!
Exciting New Direction for High Achievers®! Exciting news! Over the past few months, the team and I have been working on a new direction for High Achievers®. In this new direction, we have further defined our core values which reflect our passion. Our core values are...
Find Your Happy Place
To seek happiness, we have to realize the personal power we already possess. It’s important to constantly remind ourselves of the profound effect that we alone have over our destiny.
To boost network, make interactions with others a value to them
How do you create value for your clients? In my humble opinion, it is incredibly simple. Simply make your interactions with others valuable…to them! I try to make a point to create value whenever I interact with another person. It’s a key to networking! Here's a...
Stop Setting Goals – Start Taking Action
Did you know according to the research at the University of Scranton, that 92% of people that set New Year’s goals never actually achieve them? Do you struggle to keep your goals as well?
For The New Year Give Up To Give More
Business and a successful life is all about relationships and relationships are all about quality time. It brings me great joy to be able to hang out with amazing people, make money and have fun doing it. I encourage you to Give Up To Give More.
Referral Bankruptcy or Referral Riches by David Alexander
We face choices every day and these choices can have a dramatic impact on our lives. Many years ago I attended a program called “Breakthrough to Success” by Jack Canfield. In that program, I learned this little idea that has really had an impact on me: you can’t...