Being a small business owner can be a lonely journey. Is joining one of our Catalyst Mastermind Groups™ right for you? Too often, when entrepreneurs have to make important decisions which will have a significant impact on their business, on their personal lives, and... Massive pain can be a catalyst for massive growth, however, it is NOT a prerequisite! One of the most powerful ways to change your life is through a community. On April 24 in Vancouver, High Achievers in conjunction with Universal Seminars hosted roughly 250 Canadians... You may wonder why I would follow the last blog post Failing to plan is like planning to fail, really, with a blog titled Planning is Worthless! Actually worthless may have been a slight exaggeration… My intention was to point out that planning without follow... In our first blog about behavior styles, David talked about having a referral that just goes wrong. How many times have you experienced even an introduction or personal meeting that just seems to go wrong? I certainly know that I have had plenty of these. In fact,... Connections don’t build anything. An interesting article clearly using the literary device to get more readers and to cause thought and conversation. Please read the article first. If you think that I have a few opinions on the subject, you would be right. Most of my...