High Achiever’s Network® changes everything An amazing thing happened at our Lifestyle of Achievement Global Summit last month through the efforts of Perry Rhue. Perry is the leader of our High Achiever’s Network® of expert business coaches that is quickly... High Achievers® is set to begin franchising across the nation and the world! We are taking High Achievers® and all that we stand for to the local level with our new franchise opportunity. A High Achievers® franchise is unlike any coaching or business advising... Something amazing happened on Friday, March 16, 2018, for a group of business owners in Nashville. They were taking part in one of the 24 Essential Business Skills trainings that every business owner needs to know. Today’s training was how they could take action... You may wonder why I would follow the last blog post Failing to plan is like planning to fail, really, with a blog titled Planning is Worthless! Actually worthless may have been a slight exaggeration… My intention was to point out that planning without follow... Months ago I brought up the cycle of Kaizen and mentioned that it could help us all in our referral generation. In that blog post, I asked how you had or would use this cycle to increase the number of referrals that you receive(d). It was suggested that I revisit the...