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Do you know the top four books every business coach should read?

Do you know the top four books every business coach should read?

Do you know the top four books every business coach should read? What are the top four books every business coach should read? We have answered that question with a list of our favorite books for business coaches. Many times as a business coach you hit a wall or find...

For The New Year Give Up To Give More

Business and a successful life is all about relationships and relationships are all about quality time. It brings me great joy to be able to hang out with amazing people, make money and have fun doing it. I encourage you to Give Up To Give More.

Is Networking Still Relevant?

Connections don’t build anything. An interesting article clearly using the literary device to get more readers and to cause thought and conversation. Please read the article first. If you think that I have a few opinions on the subject, you would be right. Most of my...

You can’t put the genie back in the bottle.

During my sophomore year in college, I took Intro to Political Philosophy. The professor said something that has stuck with me ever since. He said that Ignorance is Bliss. As a young academic wannabe, I valued knowledge above all else and had a really hard time...

Who’s In Your Room?

I was at a BNI Conference earlier this year and the Founder of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner, did a presentation called “Who’s In Your Room.” It was all about who we let in our room and I took it to mean, for me personally, who is in my life or who do I surround myself with?...