You may wonder why I would follow the last blog post Failing to plan is like planning to fail, really, with a blog titled Planning is Worthless! Actually worthless may have been a slight exaggeration… My intention was to point out that planning without follow... Connections don’t build anything. An interesting article clearly using the literary device to get more readers and to cause thought and conversation. Please read the article first. If you think that I have a few opinions on the subject, you would be right. Most of my... Unintended consequences – those things that pop up and too often cause us to go, “wow, I didn’t mean for that to happen.” I have seen the impact again and again with friends, acquaintances and leaders all over the world. In fact, I think the fear of... We live in an information age. There isn’t really any excuse today for acting without having all the information… or is there. In this wonderful information age where you can research anything at virtually anytime, we exist in an environment ripe for information... Some lessons are harder for me to learn than others. I was raised with the American ideal of “Rugged Individualism”. Work hard, count on yourself, and get things done. I learned this lesson well, as many who know me will testify. I am not afraid of hard work, know how...