During my sophomore year in college, I took Intro to Political Philosophy. The professor said something that has stuck with me ever since. He said that Ignorance is Bliss. As a young academic wannabe, I valued knowledge above all else and had a really hard time... Last night I had some friends over to watch movies: one of my friends asked me about the 7 Habits that I have framed and hanging in the foyer. Specifically, she was asking me about the 7th Habit, SHARPEN THE SAW. We had a quick conversation about the topic and then... I was at a BNI Conference earlier this year and the Founder of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner, did a presentation called “Who’s In Your Room.” It was all about who we let in our room and I took it to mean, for me personally, who is in my life or who do I surround myself with?... Everyone reading this wants more referrals, and there is plenty of information to help us refine our referral generation and plans disseminated thru the Referral Fire. The challenge is often in the implementation of these changes and refinements. Many of us make this... Here’s a riddle that illustrates the point of accountability. Five frogs sat on a log at the edge of a pond. Four of the frogs decided to jump into the pond. How many frogs were left sitting on the log? Answer: five. Deciding to jump in and actually jumping in are two...