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Building balance in life and work

Building balance in life and work

Being an entrepreneur or small business owner can be a lonely experience and many times we lack the balance in our life to make us whole and successful. Knowing what to focus on and how to structure life to get the most out of everything you do. At this one day...
What is customer service anyway?

What is customer service anyway?

That is generally the case in a culture that has been built around those very basic expectations but if the culture has not been established, now is the time to start.  What’s your service DNA?

Planning is worthless!

You may wonder why I would follow the last blog post Failing to plan is like planning to fail, really, with a blog titled Planning is Worthless! Actually worthless may have been a slight exaggeration… My intention was to point out that planning without follow...

Failing to plan is like planning to fail, really.

Months ago I brought up the cycle of Kaizen and mentioned that it could help us all in our referral generation. In that blog post, I asked how you had or would use this cycle to increase the number of referrals that you receive(d). It was suggested that I revisit the...

Is Networking Still Relevant?

Connections don’t build anything. An interesting article clearly using the literary device to get more readers and to cause thought and conversation. Please read the article first. If you think that I have a few opinions on the subject, you would be right. Most of my...