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Who’s In Your Room?

I was at a BNI Conference earlier this year and the Founder of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner, did a presentation called “Who’s In Your Room.” It was all about who we let in our room and I took it to mean, for me personally, who is in my life or who do I surround myself with?...

Five Frogs Sitting On A Log…

Here’s a riddle that illustrates the point of accountability. Five frogs sat on a log at the edge of a pond. Four of the frogs decided to jump into the pond. How many frogs were left sitting on the log? Answer: five. Deciding to jump in and actually jumping in are two...

Do you want to be a “Lone Wolf” or “part of a pack”?

Some lessons are harder for me to learn than others. I was raised with the American ideal of “Rugged Individualism”. Work hard, count on yourself, and get things done. I learned this lesson well, as many who know me will testify. I am not afraid of hard work, know how...

Are You Deserving?

Are You Deserving of a Referral? There are many reasons why people don’t get referrals.  Maybe they haven’t been doing what they do long enough; maybe they haven’t built a deep, credible network; maybe they’re just not well connected; or maybe...