Welcome to the Referral Fire Blog, formerly the Referral Fire Newsletter.  

Only read if you want to create a team that sends you more referrals!!!

Doing It All Yourself Sucks, Doesn’t It?

A while ago I heard an analogy comparing salespeople to fighters. It caught my attention as a martial artist, though I am sure that many of you can identify with this thought process. How many of us can relate to slugging it out, digging down deep, taking one more shot and the list goes on and on? There are countless analogies between sports and business. Both endeavors require hard work, persistence, dedication, and skill. Just as in sports, there can be two approaches to this game we call business. We can approach the game individually or we can decide to make it a team sport.

Which way do you think will get you further faster?

OK, we all said teamwork, right?  Now, how do we develop teamwork to market our business? What does teamwork even look like in marketing? No matter what our profession is, we are all in sales.  A doctor sells patients on his ability to treat them, a lawyer sells people on his ability to provide legal advice. We believe all salespeople are fighters!  

Isn’t an army a team of fighters?  Let’s create a Referral Army.

Can you see the power in fighting together as a team to win more sales and business? Imagine being part of a group of individuals who have committed to work together to market their businesses, understanding that the more they help others get business through referrals, the more business they will get in return. Imagine this group meets weekly with the express purpose of generating business for each other. Imagine that this group holds each individual accountable to the commitment of generating referrals for the others in the group. Imagine this group strategizing on who they can refer in a group setting.

Does this sound like a group that would help you fill your pipeline?

The great news is that you can be a part of a group like this.  A major part of working with a team is knowing your vision(read a little about it).  Building teams is a huge part of achieving success. Start building your referral marketing team today.

How do you build a “Referral Army” like we are suggesting?

1.  Start with your existing network. Who is sending you referrals? Work with individuals that you already know, like, and trust.  Figure out how to help them.  The most successful people we know actively work to help people in their network.  They do this daily which builds huge credibility.

2.  Commit to helping each other get business.  Get together and bring your contact database.  Let your referral partners describe their ideal client and see if you have any introductions you can make.  This is using a powerful strategy to grow your referral partners’ businesses and they will likely reciprocate. Light each other’s Referral Fire.

3.  Consciously look for other teammates to build your networking army larger and stronger.  Building your network is about both quantity and quality.  You have to develop quality referral sources to grow your business, but you need to meet lots of people to find those that have the time, commitment, database and desire to help you reach your goals.

Remember Together We Each Achieve More (TEAM)

