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The Secret Ingredient

There is a recipe for getting more referrals. Of course, like any great recipe, there seems to be a secret ingredient. I am pretty big on analyzing things to see what it is that truly makes a difference, so I applied this to referrals. I like to go back and look at...

How do you get referrals from everyone you meet?

Question:  So how do you get more referrals from everyone you meet? Answer:  Have more credible people advocating on your behalf. I was training a group recently and we were talking about the topic of credibility.  I gave the class this definition. CREDIBILITY: 1. The...

Whistle while you work; it really should be fun!

I grew up the child of parents who had both grown up on farms. My parents had lived through both the Great Depression and WWII and they instilled in me the work ethic that they had grown up with. Hard work was what they had both grown up knowing, and they wanted me to...